Kamis, 04 Juni 2009

SOMEWHERE BEYOND THE SEA - Panaitan Island, Ujung Kulon Indonesia

Starting this journey I want to make report as story. Yeah!!! start to Panaitan Island, a large and claw-shaped island-natural reserve that sits by itself in open sea, some 10km northwest of Ujung Kulon (the world heritage of National Park). This is the 3rd trip I join with Dr. Hans Mansjoer and wife and friends to Ujung kulon. This island is the main gate to enter Sunda strait for international shipping via Hindia Ocean. For documentation, I just use my pocket camera-SANYO XACTI- but for the next I plan to buy a good one. Even though Ujung Kulon is not far from Jakarta, but getting there can be a serious journey, given bad roads, haggling for a boat (if not well arrangement from Jakarta), and perhaps even puking your way across a heaving sea. So, here is the storyl.

DAY 01 : JKT – SUMUR – PANAITAN 22 May 2009

The time shown at 1.15AM, I and 35 peoples leave from Dr.Hans Mansjoer’s House to Sumur village as the last point which needs ± 6 hours driving. Then, board the wooden boat ± 4 hours.
After arrived at Sumur, we’re in hurry since there’s a news that at 2PM would be windy day.
Finally, we arrived at Panaitan and stop by at Lagoon Butun to report to the forest ranger’s office who patrol the island. Then, we sailed again for one-hour to the southern side of the island where’s there’s Kadam Lagoon. Pfuuuh..It’s extremely long and tough journey. But…. Wow! It’s beautiful and the island itself is uninhabited. We forgot tired. Panaitan is a relatively large offshore island and has sandy beaches (coral sand), particularly attractive to explore on foot at low tides. The island has also a large bay and hills. The vegetation consist of dry-beach forest, mangrove forest. The island has extensive reef platforms

Since there’s no pier and the island has extensive reef platform which is not easy to reach the land, we use 2 small rubber boats which we brought as usual. First we landed, searched proper place for camping ground which has water source. Then clean the area from the plastic garbage. So, imagine, we’re in virgin island far far away from the crowds and comforts of civilization. But in order to maximize the comforts ,while there’s no accommodation, we brought some tents, 2 gensets for electricity, water pump, 3 big ice boxes, food and mineral water, and for camping sanitation we had temporary toilet (knocked-down) for taking bath and dispose urine. Oh yes!!!. There’s a satellite phone we brought also for emergency only since there’s no signal cell phone. It’s exclusive jungle camp! , isn’t it!?

My friend, Imas and other guys swam to the lagoon to grab the fish!. And they got it. Hmmm..menu for dinner. While others prepared for dinner. Good team-work!

I had funny story. The light in the toilet was the back side, while the toilet position front of the tents. Guess what!???...there’s a silhouette of my friend and she’s fat!!! Even the toilet was 5 mtr from camp.
In the night, we had game and sing a papua song .that the doctors love papua very much

DAY 02 : PANAITAN 23 MAY 2009

Morning time, I and my friends I woke up to prepare breakfast. But, thought we need to go to toilet for “morning ceremony”. For this, we’d have been thought peculiar not to leave 3 things behind the wilderness: urine, feces and toilet paper. Leaving behind the urine is still acceptable since it is relatively innocuous and the sand on beach would soon stink of uric acid. Leaving behind the feces is the problem for us especially for woman is still okay in most area, but not at all. The goal in disposing of feces is to promote rapid decomposition and to prevent the spread of bacteria from the feces to the water supply or to insect which will then land on food. So, we try to find a place where I could easily dig a hole 4 to 6 inches deep. Please don’t do in pure sand due to not support which hasten decomposition, and I done it!!. Then I refill the hole.
After we took breakfast, some of us caught the fish by hand-net which was not far from our camp, some of us fishing, snorkeling , beachcombing or just relaxing on the shore. At 11AM, we started for jungle-trekking, with opportunities of seeing animals, birds and other exotic fauna and flora. After walk into deep jungle, we found a big deer and we tried to chase to get a picture, unfortunately it run fast. Since we had no clear direction in the jungle, we decided to return to the camp. While on the way to the camp, my drink water supply was empty. But don’t worry I can obtain large amounts of potable water by cutting the ends of the long stems.
Since for this day, we got abundance of fish and we ate fish and fish. We got Red Garoupa by fishing, Lobster by hand-net and other fish. At night we cooked Red Garoupa sour fish soup and Lobster in black pepper oyster sauce. Hmmm….yummy. It’s really delicious!.

DAY 03 : PANAITAN 24 MAY 2009

This day was the last day, so we cooked for breakfast and lunch, while others packed the camping stuff. We leaved the island at 8AM, so that we could be back to Jakarta in noon time. We dig a big hole to decomposition of our garbage. So we could leave the island without leave anything except our memory in our minds. Even though it’s tiring but we had a great time there. Stay in Jungle-Camp in virgin, uninhabitated island is memorable and hope we will not long to return again to be like this.

3 komentar:

  1. wow, you guys have a reaaallyy great adventure there! aku jd pengen....hehe
    lautnya cantik bgt ya, tnt...


  2. next time you should insist me to join this trip..

  3. Very-very beautiful island, if there is a chance to visit this virgin island, i would like to joint the team
